Hi. I'm Grisel, and I know what it's like to suffer from stress and emotional eating...

5 years ago, I made a HUGE change in my life. I moved 1,400 miles from my family and friends and took a job in another country. It was exciting, scary, and amazing all at the same time.

I was far from home, speaking another language, and working long hours as a single mother. Although I loved my job and the amazing opportunity it provided me, I was constantly trapped in a cycle of stress and emotional eating.

I was inconsistent with my workouts and eating habits as well as struggling to adapt to an entirely new variety of foods that Tennessee had to offer. And anyone that lives in the southeastern part of the US knows the food tastes absolutely amazing, but it is NOT kind to your waistline or your overall well-being! I constantly felt run down and run over.

I understand where you are right now and what it is like to want to feel and look better but are lost on how to get there.

Fast forward to today and I am in the best shape of my life, I am stress free, and I am not subject to the ruthless cycle of emotional eating. I am in control of my nutrition and exercise and have picked up an amazing husband and two adorable doggies along the way!

Look. I understand what it is like to be fixated on appearance, feeling like you have to change so many things or conform to a certain standard in order to be a more valuable person.

My mission now is to help others overcome this fixation while still being able to improve their fitness and overall health. The fortunate side effect of that is reaching your weight loss goals!

Since I started working as a health and fitness coach, I have worked with so many people who want to transform themselves to be a better husband, wife, father, mother, or friend but haven't been able to lose the weight or reduce the stress and emotional eating. And undoubtedly it affected so many aspects of their lives.

I don't claim to be a guru or know everything about everyone, but what I do know is that there are methods that work and it's not 100% about eating less and exercising more. Sure, those things help. But there is almost always a deeper problem holding you back.

Losing weight and keeping it off starts in your head and your heart. Once you really understand WHAT you want to accomplish, WHY you want to accomplish it, and WHY you really deserve it, everything is possible!

It's my calling to not only help people lose weight, but to help them realize that their overall improvement in health is a foundation for better job performance, relationship stability, and longevity. It gives such focus and clarity to your perspective on life and what you want out of it.

Do you want to find out what that life could look like for you? I'd love to help!

  Grisel Crewse